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Thank you for reaching out to CommerceCX! Our commitment goes beyond delivering answers – we're focused on creating real business value for you. With our innovative solutions, services, and products, we're ready for your unique business challenges.

You can expect a CommerceCX team member to be in touch with you soon to further explore how we can drive your success.

Please see our Privacy Policy regarding how we will handle this information.

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Security Agreement

At CommerceCX, we prioritize the security of our clients' and users' sensitive data. Our commitment to safeguarding information is paramount, and we employ the following security measures to ensure the protection of data processed through our digital transformation services and quote-to-cash systems.

Data Encryption
  • We employ industry-standard encryption protocols to secure personal and financial data transmitted online.
  • For all credit card transactions, we implement secure socket layer (SSL) or transport layer security (TLS) encryption.
Secure Data Storage
  • Personal and financial information is securely stored in servers fortified with robust firewalls and additional protective measures.
  • Routine data backups are conducted to prevent data loss in the event of system failures or unforeseen disasters.
Access Control
  • Access to personal and financial information is restricted solely to authorized personnel and contractors, who require such access for their job roles.
  • All employees and contractors are obligated to sign non-disclosure agreements and are subject to disciplinary action for non-compliance with our security policies.
Compliance with Laws
  • We adhere to all relevant laws and regulations governing the safeguarding of personal and financial data. This includes compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for European customers and users, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) for American customers and users, and the Personal Data Protection Bill 2019 for Indian customers and users.
  • In the event of a data breach, we will notify affected customers and users in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Regular Auditing
  • We conduct regular security audits of our systems and procedures to proactively identify and address potential vulnerabilities.
  • Our systems and software undergo periodic security testing to identify and rectify vulnerabilities.
Incident Response
  • We maintain a comprehensive incident response plan to swiftly and effectively manage security incidents should they arise.
  • In the event of a security breach, we collaborate closely with law enforcement and relevant authorities to address the situation.
Third-Party Service Providers
  • We may engage third-party service providers to support our service delivery and the processing of personal and financial information.
  • Our partnerships exclusively involve service providers compliant with applicable laws and regulations, and who maintain stringent security measures.
Changes to this Agreement
  • We reserve the right to update this Security Agreement as needed to reflect changes in our practices or to align with evolving laws.
  • Notification of any changes will be communicated to our clients and users via our website and/or email.